Transmogrify arrows on macOS

If you’re like me, you hate the look of a dash and a greater-than symbol as a poor man’s arrow. Here it is in 64pt font, so you can really soak in it’s terribleness:


Ugh. Disgusting. One alternative is to use an emoji: ➡️. Sometimes that’s okay, a lot of times it’s not. It’s also a pain to type Cmd + Ctrl + Space and wait 30 seconds for the emoji picker to open. There’s gotta be a better way!

Enter Text Replacements…

Open System Preferences, click on the Keyboard navigation item in, and click Text Replacements… (you may need to scroll down to the Text Input section)
Type --> as the Replace value and type → as the With value and click Done

el fin

Go forth and type -->’s and watch as they automagically transmogrify into